
Obligatory First Post

This is day one in the blogoshpere ... I'm a little nervous, but I'll take the easy way out and reference my fav internet comic: http://xkcd.com/124/

Per the usual blog, I will reference funny happenings, things my parents say, things I do etc... and will also intersperse some fun anecdotes from meeting rockstars like flaava flav and getting to shake his crusty crusty hand.

"Yeaaa boooooy"
"Flaaaaavaaaa Flav!"
...yes he does say these things in real life, and wears the big clock around his neck, its true


Jerad said...

Just pick one post a day from that xkcd comic and you'll be set.

Jerad said...

Oh, and, FIRST!

Colin said...

screw the clock, check out that WATCH. damn, who needs to tell time when you have that many diamonds on your arm...

Devin said...

I'm so glad you've decided to start your own blog, D. This gives me yet another way to procrastinate at work, so for that I thank you!