
How it all got started

"Now this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I liked to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the Artist Relations chic for Source Audio..."

Sorry I really couldn't resist despite better judgment.

Anyhow, this company SourceAudio makes some kick ass effects pedals. They are mainly meant for guitar, but have been successfully jammed out with bass, keys, and other instruments. The main concept is that the instrumentalist controls different effects such as a wah, phaser, flanger, etc. just with the motion of their hand as they play. The user wears a ring that is equipped with an accelerometer (same technology as the wii). This ring then wireless transmits a signal to the actual pedal in order to control the filter effects on the pedal. It allows for really expressive playing, a new way to engage with the audience, and some killer sounds that aren't even possible with current pedals on the market.

You can check one of my nerdy videos from NAMM here. Ok my plug is done.

So the guys @ SA besides being super innovative are really awesome. I get to travel (and party) with them occasionally at different trade shows and music festivals. I also do some local gig hopping to go meet artists and try to get them using and endorsing the product. It's a pretty awesome side gig and has led to some interesting run-ins (don't worry I'll tell the Disco Biscuits story at some point).

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