
This guy

Advice #1: don't date rockstars

This guy especially. I met Raliegh Neal at Vegoose, the big Halloween bash outside of Vegas which they sadly don't do anymore. The whole experience was a blast, and I'm sure other posts will reference my time there, but no story really matches this one. Mr. Neal plays keys with Michael Franti and Spearhead. Hey was also one of the lucky artist winners of the hothand at our backstage raffle. I was doing a demo and giving him the technical explanation of the hothand and how it was totally applicable to keys and how its fun etc. etc. He asks for my card so that he can contact me if he has any set-up issues. Of course I respond, giving him my official corporate nerdy engineering business card for my "real job."

This is the priceless email I receive... again remember at my real job, not personal email account!
"Hello Daniela,
Wow!!! you're hot!!

I mean you are a funky player and seem to be shaking and moving along.
Plus you're gifted with "scientific understanding" too...

But your Biology looks marvelous!!


Is that too much for a first email? No worries my dear, it's harmless...
especially since you live all the way in Boston. I just really enjoyed
your vibes more and more as I spent more time around
you. So... I'm letting you know.

Now that the cat is out of the bag, I just wanted to say, "hey".

I'm back in San Fran, just finished unpacking, cleaning up the house a
bit and sitting down to organize cards and connections from this weekend
in Vegas. By the way, did you get a chance to gamble and see a show or
two? I really didn't this time around. I'm kinda disappointed about
that... but then I'm not a gambler. Well at least not that I'm aware

The city is still a trip to me and in the right circumstances I believe
one can have a marvelous time there... What do you think?

So Lady Daniela, what is it that makes you wet the floor with happiness?

Is it centered around your work? Engineering? Is ther a book I could get
on "the passions of Daniela Marquez".

I have to admit, I very curious...

Bless you on your return to wonderful Boston and I look forward to
chatting more and maybe catching up with you in the DC area.


Raliegh Ral

You can't really make that sh*t up

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