
Little Known Fact

My former boss is a rockstar. Perhaps that's why she left the company I work for in pursuit of bigger things.
Benefits include:
- no more corporate America (Oh Canada!)
- no more 9-5
- no more cube-land, cube-politics, cube-jokes
(did ya hear that one about...)
- face-melting on a regular basis

She pretty much kicks ass at life, and while I miss her not being around... I think the picture tells an awesome story of how things are going for her.


macaronirebecca said...

Thanks for the rock-star plug!!

Though the benefits are undeniable, as they say, I won't be quitting my day-job anytime soon. But, at least I'm not in a cube...

I miss you too!!

Jerad said...

Wow, that's an intense rock star pose there!