

It's like when I start a diary... I am so ambitious and believe in myself to continue it, and then I forget, get bored, etc. and leave pages abandoned to collect dust, occupy valuable bookshelf space, and leave college-ruled lines empty. Argh... Oh vast empty internet bytes! Ok, I could say its a new years resolution to start contributing more regularly to this blog, but I'd again be like one of those newbs arriving at healthworks to fervently work out for a month and drop it like its hot for a hot cinnamon bun. Anyhow, exciting news is that I am 2 days away from going to NAMM which will no doubt include many fun stories, pics, encounters with rockstars and what not. Unfortunately this will be a more tame NAMM than past years since I have to be resting/preppin for my half marathon in Miami at the end of this month. Who am I kidding though, I can't say no to rock 'n roll and Vitamin T... Rog, what have you done to me?!?!

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